Taskers update

A handful of club members carried out a trial fish at Taskers last week. Although the water is starting to take shape now we failed to locate any of the Tench or Crucians that are hopefully starting to flourish now.

Tim House, the farmer has been busy completing the installation and commissioning of a solar pump and the pond now has its own controllable water source to ensure that we can maintain a good water level throughout the year.

He’s also completed some landscaping of the banks and has drilled them with grass seed. Sadly none of the plants we installed a year ago have survived but we are in a much better position to replant now that we know what the finished level is.

Tim is also installing a fishing hut next to the lake which will be available for members to use.

We would encourage members to try out the facility so that the fish get used to a range of baits and we can hopefully start to catch and establish how well the they are growing on. Please contact me if you would like to book a session at Taskers.